Thursday, April 7, 2011

Officers and Scholarship Winners for 2011-2012

Congratulations to the 2011-2012 officers!!!

President - Claudia Krueger
Vice President - Kate Nolan
Secretary - Tia Berg
Treasurer - Trenisha Ford
Webmaster / Historian - Audrey Freiberger
Grad Student Liaison - Atreyee Das
Director of Outreach - Kelly Tepper
Outreach Co-Chairs - Rebekah Conley & Chelsea Pepmiller
Career Fair / Green Tea - Morgan Elliott & Suzy Shands
Social Chair - Kaitlyn Conroy
Mentor Program Co-Chairs - Erin Carter & Megan Schmidt
Community Service / Fundraising - Kaitlin Bruegenhemke

Congratulations to Megan Schmidt, who was recently elected as Region Collegiate Senator for Region i next year!

Congratulations to our scholarship winners!
Kaitlin Conroy, Banoo Amighi, Jayla Wilson, Kate Nolan, Atreyee Das

Congratulations to our graduating SWE Outstanding Members, and thank you for all you have done for Mizzou SWE!
Michelle Boehm, Kami Cheney, Carly Eastman, Alexis Dias, Shannon Felker, Kelsey Kotur, Grace Lin, Keri Loring, and Stacy Thompson